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Why Your Small Business needs to be on Facebook

Almost everyone is on Facebook. So keeping your small business away from FB, it’s a bad idea.

It doesn’t matter what feeling you have about social media, there’s no escaping from it. Social media has become a daily part of our lives. 70 to 80 percent people on internet use Facebook.

So if your potential customers are on Facebook, your brand has to be there. Take a look at 5 top reasons, why your brand needs to be on Facebook.

Reason 01 – Because it doesn’t cost anything unless you use Facebook Ads.

Yes, setting up your brand page on social media and posting is 100% free. And if your products and services are good then eventually you will start generating interest.

The secret of success on social media is that you need to be frequently active.

Reason 02 – It will surely help you reach out new customers.

Regularly sharing quality content about your brand on your FB page will attract new people. It might take time and your patience but eventually you’ll see the benefits.

It will take few months to build your brand page’s audience. Just keep posting and don’t miss to interact with your audience.

Reason 03 – It will help you to engage with your existing customers.

Besides finding new customers FB is a great place to engage with your existing customers. It will help you increase your brand value and build more trust.

Tip: You must encourage your current customers to follow your brand on Facebook.

Reason 04 – Most of your competition is already on Facebook.

More and more small business are using Facebook to boost their customer base. So it’s no surprise that your competitors are already on FB.

So if you don’t want to left behind, get your business on FB ASAP.

Reason 05 – You can advertise your business effectively, even with a small budget.

And at last, you can consider using advertising options. Facebooks Ads are unique, effective and affordable. You can set up different types of interactive ad campaigns.

Facebook’s audience targeting is amazing. You can target using age, gender, location, interests, connections, behavior and more.

Gratitude: My name is Jay. I’m thankful to you for spending your valuable time reading this article. I will also appreciate your feedback, please do share your comments below.

Rinkal Sharma

Creative Content Architect at RIXOJ. With a deep-rooted passion for content marketing, Rinkal is the driving force behind our ability to craft captivating and impactful content strategies for our clients.

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