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Top 3 Tips to Use Instagram for Business in 2018

Instagram is 2018’s fastest growing social media network with 800 million users.

That makes it a great platform for your brand promotions and awareness.

People around the world using Instagram for their businesses. There are many great success stories.

So using Instagram for business is a must. And to make your brand success on Insta, you should be very active on it.

Here are 3 tips for using Instagram for Business.

You should use Hashtags strategically.

Hashtags on Instagram play a big role to expand your post reach.

Top online marketers recommend that you should strategically use hashtags.

Instagram allows using up to 30 hashtags in one post. My suggestion, you should use 20-25 hashtags with each post.

Here is a good article about Instagram hashtags by Hootsuite: The Complete Instagram Hashtag Guide for Business.

You can also use this awesome tool for hashtag suggestions.

Engage people by writing creative Captions.

You should always create engaging captions for all your posts.

Try to make captions which will encourage people to interact with the posts.

You can ask questions in captions and tell your followers to answer in comments.

You can also ask followers to tag their friends in comments.

Take advantage of Carousel Feature.

Instagram’s new carousel post feature allows you to upload more than one photo to a post.

Users can slide left and right to see the different photos from your post.

This will help you share different photos of your product or service in one post.

It’s a great way to share more information about one product or service.

Final Thoughts

Instagram is definitely a great place for your brand to grow online.

But as you know digital mediums are competitive. That’s why you have to put good planning and strategy to stand out.

Consider using tips shared in this post for Instagram strategies.

Also feel free to share your tips and tricks with us below in the comments.

Rinkal Sharma

Creative Content Architect at RIXOJ. With a deep-rooted passion for content marketing, Rinkal is the driving force behind our ability to craft captivating and impactful content strategies for our clients.

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