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5 Reasons Google Search is not listing your Business Website

Have you searched your business using Google search and your website was not showing up?

This is a big issue and there are many reasons this could be happening.

Check following 5 reasons to identify why your website is not being listed in search results.

1 – Your website is new and recently went online.

Google takes up to 1 month to index new websites. It will even take more time to get a decent ranking in search results.

So if your site is new, be patient and give it few months to show up in the search.

You can use Google Webmasters to submit your website for indexing. Google Webmasters will also help you track your site’s search performance.

2 – Google search is being blocked by your website.

It might be possible that your developer had blocked Google to index your site. Web developers do this for stopping search engines to index incomplete websites.

Check with your website developer if he/she might have forgotten to unblock indexing.

3 – Your site is poorly built and it’s very slow.

This could be also one of the main reasons that your website is not being listed.

If your website performance is bad and it’s slow, Google will penalize it.

You can use PageSpeed Insights, a free tool offered by Google to test your site performance. GTmetrix is also a great tool to check your website speed.

4 – There’s not enough quality content on your website.

You need to understand this, when it comes to search ranking “Content is the KING”.

If you are not publishing useful and quality content on your website, it won’t come up in search results.

I highly recommend you to invest time and money to produce quality content for your website.

5 – Your industry is very competitive.

Some business industries are highly competitive online. Some of your competitors might be big brands with huge online marketing budgets.

Because of this ranking for your industry’s main keywords can be hard.

In this case, you should find low competition keywords and optimize your website around those keywords.

Rinkal Sharma

Creative Content Architect at RIXOJ. With a deep-rooted passion for content marketing, Rinkal is the driving force behind our ability to craft captivating and impactful content strategies for our clients.

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